lunes, 21 de abril de 2008

Foundations Q2: Compare and contrast the collapse and fall of the Han, Gupta and Roman empires

8 comentarios:

Little Choong dijo...

These fell due to major invasions from outside invaders

Unknown dijo...

The collapse of Han was mostly because of internal pressures caused by factions at court which led China to remain divided into several large regional kingdoms in the following centuries.
Gupta Empire fell because of external pressures caused by invasions of White Huns.
Rome fell because of both internal and external pressures. Epidemics (China also suffered from it) and the size of the empire were factors that caused Rome to collapse.

Anónimo dijo...

The Roman Empire was the only one to survive, despite losing some territory, as the Byzantine Empire. Others disappeared.

Anónimo dijo...

They collapsed during similar periods by the White Huns. White Huns caused the three empire to collpase, but for Han, the major cause of its collapse was internal problem rather than White Huns even though White Huns was part of the reason of Han's collapse. HOWEVER, the White Huns did not settle down those lands where they invaded. They keep moved around, invading other lands.

Anónimo dijo...
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JinA dijo...

They all three had two major causes of its collapse; internal and external.
China- internal pressures
Gupta- external pressures
Rome- both

kristeena dijo...

in rome part of the empire stayed together while in the gupta and han empires the empires collapsed and were made into new empires (eventually cuz first the han like collapsed for a little then was restored and then it collapsed again)

Alissa dijo...

At this point in time the Roman Empire and Han dynaty were dealing with the spread of devastating disease. This could have had a significant impact on the decline of both empires.