lunes, 21 de abril de 2008

600-1450 Q4: Compare and contrast the influece of China con Korea, Japan and Vietnam

Think about how contact/influence occurred, who was involved, what aspects of Chinese society were embraced and which were rejected, what traditional elements of culture were retained, how each differed from or adapted elements of Chinese civilization, how the population and the rulers responded to Chinese influence

8 comentarios:

kristeena dijo...

china spread some of its beliefs like confucianism and buddhism

Anónimo dijo...

Korea, along with Vietnam, was forced to be a tribute to the Chinese, while the Japanese were able to hold off Chinese imperial control.

Thus, the Japanese were able to interact with the global nations, while Korea and Vietnam were tightly closed from expeditions.

Little Choong dijo...

The Koreans! were part of the Chinese empire therefore they had to pay tribute and tax. The Others such as the Vietnamese also had to pay tribute. The Chinese also spread their way of rulling such as the way of one emperor. They also spread their culture and their religion. Their war tactics and their weapon production skills. The japanese however were able to hold the Chinese back since they were an island based country and their navy was amazing while the Chinese navy was bad.

Anónimo dijo...

Korea and Vietnam payed tributes to China while China influenced some new stuffs like confucianism, Budhism, arts, literatures, etc. Japan also was influenced via Koreans.

Unknown dijo...

Like kristeena mentioned, China spread buddhism, but Japan rejected Confucianism. It also influenced the development of literature in Korea and Japan.

Anónimo dijo...

also China influenced on the government of both Korea and Japan, like the tribute system.

JinA dijo...

China's printing processes influenced the development of literature in Korea and Japan.

Alissa dijo...

Confucius and Buddhism are spread throughout these countries due to the chinese. Also, literature increased causing more people to read and more people to come literate.