lunes, 21 de abril de 2008

1750-1914 Q2: Compare and contrast the Haitian and French Revolutions

Think about their goals and objectives, the methods that they used, the outcome of the revolutions, the issues and groups involved, the impact on other nations, the social and political structure and whether their objectives were achieved.

14 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hatian revelution was based on independece, while the French revolution was for social changes.

Katia Kayayan de Morales dijo...

Good answer Kyle, however keep in mind the way in which the Haitian revolution begins- out of social conflict. It isn't until after it has begun that they decide to also try to acheive independence. How would you characterize that conflict? How does it spark a revolution?

Little Choong dijo...

Adding to what kille said, the Haitian revolution was due to sociel inequalities between the natives the black slaves and the white owners. These inequalities sparked the series of revolts leading to the revolution. While the French wanted a social change and they didnt like the nobles and the kings to be in power. The French revolution was also started due to so many people starving and dying of hunger because the governement wouldn't provide anything to them.

Anónimo dijo...

They both were inspired by the American Revolution. But the difference is that the most of the Haitian Revolutionary leaders went to the American Revolution and had experiences, while the leaders of the French revolutionaries were not experienced that much. However, they both also used the ideas of Enlightenment.

kristeena dijo...

the haitian revolution was successful while the french not so much because after the revolution their was still social unrest...

Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

Like Kristeena said, Haiti was succesful and became the first independent nation in Latin America. The French Revolution involved the citizens rising against their own county's leadership while in Haiti the slaves rose against the French colonization.

JinA dijo...

I think Kyle, Mrs. Morales, Little Choong, Jang won, Kristeena and Hyunah said almost everything. However, Haitian revolution was the first independent nation in Latin America and the only successful slave revolt. At the beginning they were just trying to abolish slavery, but end up claiming for independence. The Haitian and French revolutions are similar in that they didn’t like the horrible conditions they were treated by the wealthy people and wanted a social change.

Anónimo dijo...

both wanted equal status rights. in the french revolution the americans didnt help while in the haitian one they did help out. in addition to what everyone said the french were also involve in the Haitian revlution, therefore,we have to account the troubles in which france was facing.

kristeena dijo...

they were similar in that at first they didnt want independence they just wanted social change but then haitian people fought for independence from its colonizers. in france it wasnt a very successfull revolution cuz in the long term napolean changed all the gains they had gotten in the revolution(ex: womens rights)

Alissa dijo...

Besides what everyone else already covered, both revolutions took violent approaches. The Hatian Revolution condusted violent raids on the large sugar and coffe plantations devistating crops and land and some people. The French revolution on the other hand was a time of the guillotine and the reign of terror.

Unknown dijo...

If you think about it, both revolutions were related to France. First, in Haiti, the slaves revolted to gain social equality which ultimately resulted in Haiti gaining independence from France. The French revolution which, of course, took place in France, was also to gain social equality, but it wasn't as successufl as the Haitian revolution. It resulted in the Reign of Terror directed by Robesspiere, and later the domination by Napoleon.

dani.k dijo...

Haiti wanted self-rule, France just wanted the 1st and 2nd estates to cut them a little slack. Haiti wasnt really followed by, like clara mentioned, anything quite like the Reign of Terror and all of that.
American Revolution inspired French Revolution which inspired Haitian Revolution.

Term Papers dijo...

These are Compare and contrast the Haitian and French Revolutions and certainly we can get many ideas that how we can Compare and contrast.

Term papers