lunes, 21 de abril de 2008

1750-1914 Q1: Compare and contrast early industrialization in Europe and Japan

Think about who carried out industrialization, who sponsored it, the time frame, the industries involved and the impact of the industrialization process.

10 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

They bpth relied heavily on transportation. Thus, the government supported railroad construction.

Katia Kayayan de Morales dijo...

Good, what other industries industrialized early in both countries? What role did the government play in each nation?

Anónimo dijo...

They both grew up rapidly because of the industrialization and became the top powers of the world. However, while Europeans develped the ideas of industrialization (mostly by British), Japanese just adopted the idea by the Europeans. JAPANESE CHEATERSSSS!!!

Little Choong dijo...

The Industrialization had started first in Europe by the British. The European powers started to adopt the ideals and inventions of the British such as the factories. and then the Japanese adopte industrialization from the British. Thats why "Japan -3"... hehe

Unknown dijo...

Japan industrialized faster than Europe. Also like jangwon said, Japan implemented the advances from the western industrialization into their own.

JinA dijo...

Adding to what Hyunah said, the industrialization of Europe and Japan were very similar, but Japan was faster. While the Europeans had to "invent" the machines Japan just had to copy (implement) them in their country which is why Japan was much faster. In addition, in both Europe and Japan, the government helped a lot to build a better industrialization. For example, the government made laws that protected beginning private companies and built roads for a faster transportation.

Anónimo dijo...

the first country who "invented" industrailization was britain, later on Germany, France, Austria and later Japan and Russia and the USA made sure to still some British mechanics to be able to help them to have and industrialized countrey. the impact it had was that people started to invent machines to be able to produce more goods without the help of people (so the owners dont have pay more) while with industrialization it became easier to colonize and domintate the world. this is when the natural resources started to be consume more, and the population started to increase more, because their was like a suplus of goods and food.

kristeena dijo...

at first Japan was closed to industrialization until it decided it would help to industrialize since they didnt want to end up like china so they began to take western ideas and use them in their own country to their own advantage. Europe was different because it was always open to industrialization especially since they were the ones inventing everything. japan and europe were similar in that (once japan started to industrialize) the rulers and government supported industrialization.

Alissa dijo...

Europe was much more open to industrialization than Japan at first. Japan later opened uppartly due to what they had seen from the Europeans and both Europe and Japan became world powers. Like everyone else said, the japanese pretty much copied the Europeans in on their way to becoming a world power. The Japanese government took the lead in sponsoring industrialization and European Governemts also took part in it.

dani.k dijo...

Japan had an emperor (even though he was quite the puppet), Europe was shedding its monarchy stage, and this does indeed play a role in their industrialization, somehow...
Oh, and again, in summary, Japan had more of the idea of: "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" so learned the game, got good at it, and kicked their butts, sometimes.