lunes, 21 de abril de 2008

1450-1750 Q1: Compare and Contras Incan and Aztec economy, politics and society

Remember not just to describe each, but also to indicate similarities and differences. Why were they similar? Why were they different? (In other words, what accounts for these similarities or differences?) Are they more similar or more different? Which of the categories has the most similarities or the most differences?

8 comentarios:

Little Choong dijo...

Inca;s didnt have a system of writing while the Aztecs did.

kristeena dijo...

Aztecs had a stronger concentration on military power and war than did the Inca...i think...both were agricultural

Anónimo dijo...

Inca was an expantionist, while Aztecs were more conservative about territorial expansion.

Anónimo dijo...

Inca didn't have writing system while Aztec had. Incas were living in mountains while Aztecs lived in more flat area. They both were not river based society and they both were conquered by Europeans. Aztecs focused on expand their land while Incas didn't.

Unknown dijo...

Both Aztec and Incan prime source of labor was human and also practiced human sacrifice.

JinA dijo...

Both Incas and Aztecs were conquered by the Europeans. The Aztec Empire was conquered by Hernan Cortes while Inca Empire was by Francisco Pizarro.
Before being conquered...
Warriors were the elite in the Aztec social structure. Also, the Aztecs conquered areas where they could govern themselves as long they paid a tribute. They had roads that linked areas in their empire which allowed Cortes to conquer easier. On the other hand, the Incas were more centralized than the Aztecs with a bureaucracy. And similar as the Aztecs, the Incas had a complex system of roads (and tunnels <--only Incas I think)

Anónimo dijo...

the incas ruler had to seize their own land, because the ruler before gave the land to their own child, so this is way they were more expansive then the Aztecs. in addition the incans would mummified their own rulers and sometimes make the dead bodies to be allow in conference.

Alissa dijo...

they were both polytheistic. Mummies had a huge influence in the culture of the Inkas and the Aztecs practiceed bloodletting and offered sacrifices as part of their religious traditions. Aztecs used chinampas and traded. Inca had a divine emporor and practiced split inheritance.